Tag: Gratitude

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 16: Third Places

Third Space Brewery – Oh how I will miss you. Ray Oldenburg coined the term “Third Space” (or third place) in his book The Great Good Place and deemed it as: “…a space where people meet to unwind, discuss and talk about things that matter to them, their neighborhood and their community, where they can […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 15: Empathy

Empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Day 15 of March of Gratitude – I’m grateful for empathy. I believe there are several levels or forms of empathy, but I’ll speak of just a few. One is the empathy we offer to those we know: it’s with an understanding that […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 14: Pi Day

Happy #PiDay y’all! In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ll explain.  Many people celebrate March 14th as “Pi Day” because the number date (3/14) corresponds with the first few digits of the rational constant ‘pi’ (3.14159….).  We’re geeks and we’re proud, ok? I’m pretty grateful for Pi AND pie today. How else […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 13: Music

This morning I woke up (well, our daughter woke us up) and I immediately had a song in my head. I love music: listening to it, making it, discovering new music, all of it. I don’t enjoy all music types (sorry Florida Georgia Line, we just aren’t simpatico), but it’s pretty close. When I want […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 12: Friendship

The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, “What? You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis It’s Day 12 of March of Gratitude and I am grateful for friendships! Ask someone who knows me well to describe me and they will likely use words like “odd” or “a […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 11: Failure

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” – Henry Ford Day 11 of March of Gratitude and I am grateful for failure. More importantly, I’m grateful for the opportunities to begin again. Failure is inevitable. What we do about it is what truly defines our lives. My goal in life […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 9: Community

I’m posting later than usual, mostly because of what I’m grateful for today, which is my community. I spent the morning with my family, brunch with a friend, texted another friend in Texas after that, then emailed another friend in Ohio. Later I updated a group that is helping me get established in St Louis […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 7: Freedom of Speech

March of Gratitude Day 7 – I am grateful for the freedom to share my thoughts publicly. Although I don’t always exercise this freedom, I recognize the magnitude of being afforded it. Imagine living in a society where a simple criticism of the government or its leaders could land you in prison or worse. I […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 6: The Internet

March of Gratitude Day 6 – I’m grateful for the internet. If you’re reading this, you’re probably grateful too – at least, you should be. Yes, the internet allows for some weird and shady stuff to happen and can make it a little harder to stay focused at times, but overall this an incredible resource […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 5: A Roof Over Our Heads

March of Gratitude Day 5 – I’m grateful for a roof over our heads. As I write this in Milwaukee, it’s 12° outside with a wind-chill below zero. This winter we have seen much much colder (negative 20!) and more severe weather than today. I can’t help but think of the homeless and displaced families during […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 4: Reading

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss Day 4 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for reading. Reading, for me, can be an escape, a reminder of something forgotten, a new experience, a stretching of my […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 3: My Faith

Day 3 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for my Faith. Admittedly, I have struggled to articulate my faith at times and I’m certainly not a person who professes it publicly – at least not often or well. I don’t read my Bible every day, haven’t been to a church service in many […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 2: Coffee

Day 2 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for coffee! Here’s why: 1). Coffee is one of the most fascinating products/things on the planet. It doesn’t matter where you buy your coffee or what quality level or if you buy lattes, whole bean, espresso, or whatever, coffee is one of the few (if […]

March of Gratitude

March of Gratitude Day 1: My Wife

Day 1 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for my wife. I am unable to fully express in my limited vocabulary how much she means to me. This woman has been through so much: being married to me (which is hard enough), cancer, mastectomy and multiple surgeries, rounds and rounds of tests and […]