
If you enjoy this site and the tips, tools, and information we’re providing, there are a few ways you can help us continue putting time and effort into Unrefined Matters.

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Hire Us

As we said, we’ll keep the information on here for free forever. The only reason it will stop is if we can’t afford to pay the hosting fees.

But, we realize there might be some of you who would like some additional help as you change your habits and lifestyle. You can hire us to make customized checklists, meal plans, tailored product recommendations, and more. Heck, we’ll even come to your house and help you pick what foods and products to keep and what to throw away if that would help.

If that sounds like something you’d like (or need), send us a note and let us know. We’d love to help.

If you buy, use these links:

If you buy from these online retailers, we’d appreciate you using the links below first. Clicking these links won’t cost you a thing nor will it change your buying experience, but these retailers will send us a small percentage of what you buy as a part of their marketing budget.

Try these services:

When we finally moved into a proper budget, Marshall built a spreadsheet that had 14 tabs, multiple formulaic connections, was color-coded, and more. It was a little hard to understand and sometimes even harder to use.

When we discovered You Need A Budget, it made budget management 100x easier. The interface is intuitive on both browser and the mobile app and its relatively painless to link all of your banking and financial accounts, including credit cards, retirement accounts, student loans, and more. They even took the complicated formulas and processes for moving money from different budget categories or month to month and simplified it into an easy-to-use, clean and intuitive app.

If you sign up with the link above, you’ll get 30 days to try it for free! It can be beneficial just taking the time to set it up and using it for a month to understand their principles of budgeting. We recommend you at least take advantage of the free trial for that alone!

I am not a stock market genius and (probably) neither are you. That applies to just about any other investment form that there is – at least for us. So we use Wealthfront for our non-work related investments. They built an investment service that not only applies machine learning and execution but costs significantly less because it’s done by computers. Think E-surance for investing.

If you sign up with the link above, you’ll get up to $5,000 managed for free!

Google Fi
We recently moved to a new city and quickly discovered that our cell service was not as robust. Then we moved into a new apartment where there was little to no service within half a block. Combine that with a general feeling that we were overpaying for what we were using and we determined it was time to switch.

The two main features of Google Fi are the ability to use multiple cell networks with one phone (must be a Fi certified phone – just fyi), which means you almost always have a signal, and that you only pay for the data you use, at $10 per GB of network data. So far, we love the service (no more missing calls from grandma while in the apartment) and have only paid about $15 for data per month (we’re a pro wifi family).

If you use the link above to sign up, you’ll get $20 credit on your second month’s bill!

Help Spread the Word

It always helps to have new people learn what we are trying to teach. The more people we can reach, the more we can help.

If you like an article or page of ours, please share it on your social media and email. There are buttons on every page that allow you to do it directly from our site.

Or, if you know any media outlets or people, other blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, or anyone else with an audience that you think would be a good fit for what we are trying to teach, let them know about us!