Tag: whole wheat

Breakfast, Recipes

Whole Wheat Pancakes

I mean, who doesn’t like pancakes?  The problem is most pancake mixes are full of sugar, processed wheat, hydrolized-isolated-lauryleaniosis-24…or whatever. Fortunately, that’s not the only way to make pancakes (and not the only version of a pancake), and the other way is just as easy, tastes much better, and is entirely healthier. [recipe title=”Whole Wheat […]

Dinner, Recipes

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

There are essentially three staple meals in our house: chips and salsa (don’t judge), burrito bowls, and homemade pizza.  This recipe makes the latter incredibly easy and delicious and it’s adapted from 100 Days of Real Food. [recipe title=”Whole Wheat Pizza Dough” servings=”6-10″ time=”1hour 30mins” difficulty=”easy” image=”https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17333307_1297508037010695_4376699939527327744_n.jpg” description=”Whole Wheat Pizza Dough”] [recipe-notes] We make this […]