March of Gratitude Day 13: Music

This morning I woke up (well, our daughter woke us up) and I immediately had a song in my head.

I love music: listening to it, making it, discovering new music, all of it. I don’t enjoy all music types (sorry Florida Georgia Line, we just aren’t simpatico), but it’s pretty close. When I want to get some work done I listen to Steeldrivers or Jurassic 5 Radio on Pandora. When I want to have a relaxed evening I’m listening to folk or soul or easy pop. I’m team Nsync over Backstreet Boys and I know all the words to the songs from Phantom of the Opera.


My wife is the same way – probably one of the reasons we fell in love with each other – and my daughter seems to really enjoy music, too. I played “Amanda” by Chris Stapleton for her while she drank her bottle. It’s hard not to be mesmerized when he is singing, but she was clearly enjoying it.

Today is day 13 of March of Gratitude and I am grateful for music!

I’m also grateful for the ability to enjoy music so easily and freely. With Spotify, YouTube, Pandora, Soundcloud, iTunes, Amazon, and many more services out there, I could listen to a new song every hour of every day for the rest of my life and not repeat. That’s truly incredible.

What kinds of music do you enjoy? What does music do for you?