March of Gratitude Day 2: Coffee

Day 2 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for coffee!

Here’s why:

1). Coffee is one of the most fascinating products/things on the planet. It doesn’t matter where you buy your coffee or what quality level or if you buy lattes, whole bean, espresso, or whatever, coffee is one of the few (if not only) products that is hyper global and hyper local at the same time.

If you’re in the US, your coffee was very likely grown in another country, shipped across the equator and/or across an ocean, roasted in the states, and then brewed either by baristas (or you) only feet from where you get it. That’s incredible! I can’t think of any other experience like that, at least not one that happens at such scale and is so ingrained in the daily lives of so many people. Can you?

2). Red wine has up to 200 different flavor and aroma compounds. There are more than 4x that in coffee! Have you ever tasted blueberries, mango, lime, cherry, tobacco, sage, cashews, dark chocolate, baking spice, banana, green apple, star fruit, peach, or spiced caramel in wine? No? Go to your local specialty coffee shop (like Stone Creek Coffee Roasters) and ask them to brew you up something real nice – you’ll probably find some of these tasting notes and more.

3). I have a five-month-old; sleep is my third most traded commodity…