March of Gratitude Day 21: Thrift Stores

Today I am grateful for thrift stores and all the various online marketplaces to sell ‘stuff.’

Although it’s always timely to purge, moving is as good a time to reflect on what things are worthy of keeping as you transition to the next place/step/chapter. We started doing this way before the move (#MarieKondo) but have really been digging in the last few weeks.

Some of our giveaway items are junk. Some are nice things but don’t fit our needs. Some just don’t spark the joy – or whatever. With thrift stores, digital marketplaces, and good old fashioned yard sales, someone can take our ‘stuff’ and love it or use it in a way that we just can’t anymore.

I should also thank all the thrifters, second-hand store shoppers, and yard sale kings and queens out there for creating the demand. Otherwise, the supply would just be trashed…

March of Gratitude