March of Gratitude Day 3: My Faith

Day 3 of March of Gratitude – I am grateful for my Faith.

Admittedly, I have struggled to articulate my faith at times and I’m certainly not a person who professes it publicly – at least not often or well. I don’t read my Bible every day, haven’t been to a church service in many weeks, and I probably have more faults and flaws than the average person.

But, it is in the hardest times like these that I am so grateful that I do have a foundational belief in God and can rely on his sovereignty and the peace that he imparts on us. Without that faith, I would have been left a total loss, devoid of hope or purpose, at plenty of points in my life.

My Faith also drives my beliefs in other ways, too. I believe we should be compassionate towards and take care of people of all walks of life – because of my Faith. I believe we should be good stewards of this planet and its well being – because of my Faith. I believe we should be honest with each other, even when it means delivering the hardest truths – because of my Faith. If you want to know more, just ask.

Image Credit: Scripture Type