Today is International Women’s Day and I’m incredibly grateful for that.
I have a baby girl (who is in my arms as I type this) and I will support, empower, contribute to, and champion ANY cause that helps create a better world for her.
I have a wife (who is working today – shouldn’t this be a holiday?) who is more capable, stronger, kinder, and more deserving of praise than I ever will be. I will gladly step out of the spotlight if it helps her shine brighter.
I have a mom who consistently defies gender expectations in business, leadership, the church, and more.
I have a mother-in-law law who could run circles around all of us and still raise 4 kids, 3 sons-in-law, and 4+ grandkids without breaking a sweat.
I have two sisters-in-law who are stronger than most men I know.
It’s day 8 of March of Gratitude, and I’m grateful for the women in my life. Get it, girls!