March of Gratitude: Good Grieving

Good grief.

I don’t mean it like you may think… expressing grief is good. Sometimes grief is our best expression of being human.

Can we just be gracious and allow each other to grieve?

This isn’t normal! We’ve never been through this! We don’t know what will happen tomorrow!

We’re not even allowed to hug anyone!

I remember vividly watching John Stewart on The Daily Show the first time he was back after 9/11 giving his raw, beautiful expression of grief and love and hope for his city.

I remember watching Jimmy Fallon after Kobe Bryant passed giving his raw, beautiful expression of grief and love and honor for his friend and fellow girl dad.

I remember the feeling I had when my grandmother passed and finally being able to express the grief and love and adoration I had for for her.

I see that in Hoda. What a moment. She, and others, have bravely stood alone to be the face of information and hope for millions. But she’s almost completely alone (every morning it’s just her and a camera operator in studio), and that takes a toll.

We’re all losing something right now. Some more than others, but life is weird… Different… Surreal… For all of us.

And I say, good, grieve, y’all. I’m right beside you.