March of Gratitude: Kids Table

Sometimes the best seat is at the kids table.

This weekend it definitely was. As many of us are getting hit with orders to (and the reality of) shelter in place, it’s these kinds of moments that we should treasure, maybe even try to create.

This isn’t me complaining, our state and local government are making some tough, but right calls for all of us.

I’m saying maybe we can take the opportunity to play a little more with our kids, spend some more quality time with those we love, get a little extra self care in, and whatever else we’ve been neglecting because other things got in the way. It’s not going to be easy, but it might be worth it.

Maybe it means calling your family and friends more often. Maybe it means doing some self reflection, or learning a new skill, or just binge watching a funny show before it gets taken off Netflix. Maybe it means reconciling with not doing the things you wanted to do before but never did….and then doing them now.

Maybe it just means getting your hands dirty while making Play-Doh pies… Who’s to say but you?