March of Gratitude: Most don’t have our luxury

Those who know me know I’m a salsa fiend.

Chips (or, my preference, triscuits) and salsa are an essential food group in the Welch household.

After lunch today I got hungry again, so I grabbed a bowl of salsa and a box of triscuits. But I was jolted by deja vu – the “hunger” must have brought back a memory…

My first true job out of grad school was an internship in South Carolina. It paid, but not much, and most of my money went straight to student loans and gas. The first 6 months I basically survived off chips and salsa and a few cans of tuna rationed in here and there. There was one stretch where I had only a few packs of crackers to last me through to the next paycheck. It took me getting on food stamps to have a steady meal.

It feels like such a different world, one I’d somehow forgotten.

I know what it’s like walking in the shoes of many Americans: not having much money and little more coming in; unsure if future meals are to be had; scared but trying to make it. I’ve been there.

Then again, I haven’t.

We’re facing unprecedented times and circumstances. None of us have been through this.

I’m incredibly blessed to have much more than I had then. Many – most – don’t have our luxury.

I’m asking all of you, please, to think about how you can help others through this.