Nature’s Gate Toothpaste

Conventional toothpaste has everything from triclosan to fluoride (not as good for us as advertised) to sugar in it.  

Why do we need sugar in our toothpaste?  We don’t, it’s added for…taste? It’s widely accepted that sugar and sugary substances cause tooth decay. So, again, why does the product that’s supposed to help fight tooth decay have the ingredient that causes tooth decay…….?

Even some of the organic or healthy-labeled brands of toothpaste have ingredients that make me skeptical, like carrageenan (a known irritant) and artificial sweeteners.

Nature’s Gate toothpaste have any of those things.  Every ingredient has been researched and approved and that’s why we use it.  No carrageenan, no sweeteners of any kind, no harmful irritants, etc.  You’ll notice sodium lauroyl sarcosinate is in the ingredients, but that is not to be confused with Sodium Lauryl Sulfinate.  Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate is plant derived and is not only NOT listed on any watch lists, but is actually listed on several “safe” lists, including Whole Foods approved body care list.

You can find Nature’s Gate toothpaste in multiple flavors (and in gel or paste format for your preference – we prefer the paste) at Whole Foods, Amazon, and Thrive Market.