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Chemical Free, DIY

Primer on Candles

For me, it’s not officially Fall until I bust out my favorite Fall Candles! I know, I know – Typical female here.  Well… HAPPY FALL YA’LL! It’s been awhile since our last post, so why not start with a cliche greeting? It’s been a fun summer of traveling and relaxing for us. We made it […]

Breakfast, Featured, Recipes

Dark Chocolate Dutch Baby

We LOVE dutch babies and make them for friends or ourselves all the time!  They are a simple brunch that can be made with very little refined sugar and all kinds of whole grain goodness.  If you’ve never had one, check out our Easy Dutch Baby Pancake Recipe first, then come back for the chocolate version. […]

Chemical Free, DIY, Featured

Coffee Scrub

I’ve worked in the coffee industry in many forms for over a decade and now work for a coffee roaster.  One of my benefits of working at Stone Creek Coffee is that I get free brewed coffee during the day and as much as a free pound of coffee to take home each week.  Surprisingly, […]

Chemical Free, Start Here

Step Four: Chemical Free

We started changing our lifestyle – mostly diet – in the Spring and Summer of 2015.  Nicki had been diagnosed with cancer earlier that year and in our efforts to live healthier we were beginning to realize the dangers of a highly processed diet.  Not surprisingly, both of us began to lose weight just from cutting […]

Breakfast, Recipes, Snacks

Fruit Butter Recipe

I hesitate to say that there’s a drawback to getting into making sourdough bread…but there is. Don’t get me wrong – the many benefits far outweigh the negative, and it may be a stretch to even call it a negative when push comes to shove. But, this one thing has been weighing on me: What […]

Our Story

Love and Sourdough Bread

As a teenager, I always wondered what marital love would feel like. I think we all do, right? I was blessed with Christ’s love, sibling love, parental love, familial love, best friend love and young love…. but husband love? What was that going to be like? Now, as a 28 year old who has been […]

Desserts, Recipes

Simple Cobbler

We don’t eat a ton of sweets or desserts in our house, but when we do, we like to keep it simple and, of course, healthy.  This recipe is all of that, and delicious! As a southerner, cornbread and cobbler are two of the main food groups we believe in.  This pairs both in a way […]

Breakfast, Recipes

Whole Wheat Pancakes

I mean, who doesn’t like pancakes?  The problem is most pancake mixes are full of sugar, processed wheat, hydrolized-isolated-lauryleaniosis-24…or whatever. Fortunately, that’s not the only way to make pancakes (and not the only version of a pancake), and the other way is just as easy, tastes much better, and is entirely healthier.

Desserts, Featured, Recipes, Snacks

Maple Syrup and Greek Yogurt

I’m not immune to hunger pangs at random times of the day.  Actually, I tend to get hungry pretty much all day long.  At work I keep a drawer full of fruit, nuts, muesli, or whole wheat crackers to stave off those cravings, but at home I have a different, and tastier, solution. Plain Greek […]

Our Story

Blood and Tears

Strange title for a blog, right?  It comes from my Jam of the week right now – “Blood & Tears” by Joseph. Side note: you will probably find throughout the blog, you can always decipher my (Nicki’s) posts from Marshall’s depending on how many  music references there are… We have already touched on a lot of […]

Breakfast, Recipes

Dutch Baby Pancake

If you’ve had a dutch baby before, most likely your mouth starts watering and stomach grumbling just at the mention of one.  If you haven’t had one…saddle up, this will change your life. Call them Dutch Babies, German pancakes, Bismark, Dutch Puff, or whatever…they are essentially giant popovers and are typically served for breakfast, although more savory […]

Our Story, Start Here

Industrial Food is Problematic

Looking back to before Nicki’s diagnosis (and our wake up call), we were sick.  It’s easy to see now, but we were completely ignorant to it. Both of us had bad eating habits.  We both struggled with joint pain, skin problems, tension headaches, and more.  Marshall had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high liver enzyme counts, and […]

Dinner, Recipes

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

There are essentially three staple meals in our house: chips and salsa (don’t judge), burrito bowls, and homemade pizza.  This recipe makes the latter incredibly easy and delicious and it’s adapted from 100 Days of Real Food.   Tips for Cooking Pizza This is super important – set your oven to 500 degrees or as […]

Our Story, Start Here

How it all started

“It’s Cancer…” Two words.  Simple, yet powerful. In the fall of 2014, Nicki was diagnosed, having just turned 26, with breast cancer.   Our life was a little tumultuous before then – by that point, I had lost my job and income and we had moved across the country – but that seems like a […]

Start Here

Step Three: Give Yourself Time

It’s okay to Go slow… With Grocery Shopping;  When we first started our Unrefining Project, grocery shopping took about 4x as long.  Every label was scrutinized, gram of sugar counted, and unfamiliar ingredient searched.  Just going for one item became an arduous process. But it was worth it.  And, after a while, we got more familiar with the process and […]

Start Here

Step Two: Real Food

What is real food? If you read 100 Days of Real Food and In Defense of Food, you’ll know that real food is minimally processed and without additives or synthetic chemicals. Here are a few principles to follow: Whole fruits and vegetables are ideally grown without pesticides and very minimally processed (technically freezing, chopping, canning, […]