Ladies (or men buying for ladies), it’s bad enough that we have to protect ourselves from toxic chemicals and carcinogens in our daily routines with products we’ve been told are safe. To add insult to injury, our feminine care products aren’t helping the cause. Conventional tampons and pads are made with bleaches, chlorine, pesticide-laden cotton, dyes, fragrances, plastic, and more.
A few years ago my doctors kept finding pre-cancerous cells on my cervix and couldn’t figure out why. After almost two years with no explanation or cause, they were still finding pre-cancerous cells. Then, a new OB/GYN recommended that I switch to organic and non-bleached tampons and pads. Less than two months later, the pre-cancerous cells were gone. That is not coincidental!
So I started searching for non-toxic feminine care products. Here are a few that I found and use: